Friday, 18 September 2015

I ascended the Mountain by Ian Newton

I ascended the Mountain,
I myself, not another
I came up and saw,
I was taught and understood,
I came to know for He enlightened me,
He showed me the way and revealed to me the delusion that is our delight,
He showed me those who thirst after happiness as a drug addict is addicted,
He showed me those who sought to know, only to be sad
He showed me those who sought to feel, only to become deluded
He showed me wisdom, and He made me to understand the vanity of it all

For those who long for knowledge and those who long for feelings become sad and deluded,
but those who realize the vanity of happiness are enlightened,

I went up on the Mountain,
The sun was to my right, the moon to my left
But they faded.
The stars were above me, but I transcended them
The wind blew, then the Divine winds blew
The waters moved, then the Divine waters moved
I was, but then I knew Him
I sought to feel,
I sought to know,
But then I felt,
But then I knew,

For in longing to feel we become deluded,
In longing to know we become sad,
In thirsting for happiness we extend our selfishness,
But in longing for God no one is deluded, they see clearly
Yet in longing for God joy comes, but not for joys sake

In thirsting for God one is satisfied. 

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