Saturday, 12 September 2015

From King Antiochus to Lysias

Dated: Probably 164 BC
From: King Antiochus
To: Lysias
Regarding: Allowing the Jews to Have Their Own Culture

King Antiochus to the honorable Lysias, greetings.

Now that my father has gone to be with the gods, I want the subjects of my kingdom to conduct their own affairs without interference. I understand that the Jews do not wish to adopt the Greek way of life, as my father had intended, but prefer their own way of life and have requested that they be allowed to live according to their own customs. Since I desire that they live undisturbed like the other nations in my empire, I hereby decree that their Temple be restored to them and that they be allowed to live according to the customs of their ancestors. Please inform them of this decision and assure them of my friendship, so that they may conduct their own affairs in peace, without anything to worry about.

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