
Categories include: American, Canadian, German, English, Vatican, Serbian, Spanish and United Nations.

Writers who contributed multiple works during this time include: Martin Luther, John Newton, Sigmund Freud, Charles Dickens and John Piper.

A general timeline has been included here.



Studies On Hysteria by Sigmund Freud and Breuer (1895)
The Interpretation of Dreams by Sigmund Freud (1900)
The Psychopathology of Everyday Life by Sigmund Freud (1901)
Delusion and Dream in Jensen's Gradiva by Sigmund Freud (1907)
Totem and Taboo by Sigmund Freud (1913)
Moses and Monotheism by Sigmund Freud (1939)

The Communion of Saints by Henry Ainsworth (1628)
Sermons by Lancelot Andrewes (1635)
Annotations on the Pentateuch, the Psalms and the Song of Solomon by Henry Ainsworth (Circa 1639)
Redeeming the Time, a Funeral Sermon by Isaac Ambrose (1657)
Looking Unto Jesus: A View of the Eternal Gospel by Isaac Ambrose (1658)
The Godly Man’s Portion and Sanctuary by Richard Alleine (1660`s)
A Brief Narrative of the Gospel Among the Indians by John Elliot (1670)
The Practice and Behavior of a Man in the Act of the New Birth by Isaac Ambrose (1673)
Ministration of and Communion with Angels by Isaac Ambrose (1673)
Paradise Lost by John Milton (1674)
Treaties by Isaac Ambrose (1674)
Looking Unto Jesus by Isaac Ambrose (1674) 
Ultima, the Last Things by Isaac Ambrose (1674)
A learned and pious exposition of the Ten Commandments by Lancelot Andrewes (1675)
The Pilgrim's Progress (1678)
The Grounds and Principals of the Christian Religion by Joseph Alleine (1687)
A Sure Guide to Heaven by Joseph Alleine (1691)
Optics by Isaac Newton (1730)
"Our Good Shepard" letter by John Newton (1767)
"Strength in Trial" letter by John Newton (1769)
"Dependence on Christ-God's prescriptions" letter by John Newton (1775)
"But for the Grace of God-Preaching in Prison" letter by John Newton (September, 1775)
"Sowing the Seed-Doubting the Truth" letter by John Newton (1776)
"Thankfulness" letter by John Newton (1777)
"Worries about the Journey--A Good Wife" letter by John Newton (1777)
"Comments on an Accident" letter by John Newton (1777)
"Godly Church Members" letter by John Newton (1777)
Thoughts Upon the African Slave Trade (1788)
Amazing Grace by John Newton (1779)
The Olney Hymn by John Newton and William Cowper (1779)
The Negros Complaint by William Cowper (1788)
The Journal of John Wesley (1790)
British National Anthem (Made official in the early 1800's.)
The Destruction of Sennacherib by Lord Byron (1815)
The Christian's manual, a treatise on Christian perfection by John Wesley (1829)
The Pickwick Papers (1836) 
Oliver Twist (1837)
Nickolas Nickleby (1838)
The Old Curiosity Shop by Charles Dickens (1840)
Barnaby Rudge by Charles Dickens (1841)
Martin Chuzzlewit by Charles Dickens (1843)
Dombey and Son (1846)
David Copperfield by Charles Dickens (1849)
The Whale / Moby-Dick (1851)
Bleak House by Charles Dickens (1852)
Little Dorrit by Charles Dickens (1855) 
A Tale of Two Cities (1859) 
The Origin of Species by Charles Darwin (November, 1859)
Great Expectations by Charles Dickens (1860)
Our Mutual Friends by Charles Dickens (1864)
Gleaning Among the Shaves by Spurgeon (1869)
The Mystery of Edwin Drood by Charles Dickens (1870)
All of Grace by Charles Spurgeon (1886)
Talks to Farmers by Spurgeon (1889)
The Art of Illustration by Charles Spurgeon (1894)
A Collection of Hymns, for the Use of the People called Methodists by John Wesley (1889)
Pray and Never Lose Heart, a poem by Evan Roberts
Tarry With Us by Evan Roberts
The Spiritual Life by Evan Roberts
Autobiography of Charles Spurgeon by his wife and private secretary (1900)
The River War by Winston Churchill (1902)
The Authoritative Life of William Booth by G.S Railton (1912)
Well Down, a poem by Evan Roberts (May, 1913)
Shall The Lofty One Prevail? By Evan Roberts
Bondage In Action by Evan Roberts
Seven Pillars of Wisdom by T.E Lawrene (1922)
We Shall Fight Them on the Beaches by Winston Churchill (June, 1940)
The Abolition of Man by C.S Lewis (1943)

Mere Christianity by C.S Lewis (1952)


The Journal of Abacuk Pricket (Circa 1600's not yet found, but desired.)
The Maple Leaf Forever by Alexander Muir (October, 1867)
The British North American Act 1867
The Journal of John Jewitt (1896, published after John's death.)
Canadian Anthem (Made Official in 1980)
The Charter of Rights and Freedoms 1982
Indian Act 1985
Divorce Act 1985
1996 National Census
2001 National Census
2006 National Census
2011 National Census (Released February, 2012)
I ascended the Mountain by Ian Newton (2015)
Ontario Health and Physical Education (2015)
A Timeline of London, Ontario (October, 2015)
Comparison Chart: Canada and America (November, 2015)


Journey to the West by Wu Chu'eng-en (1500's)


A History of Chile by Luis Gladames (1906)


Works of James Arminius I
Works of James Arminius II
Works of James Arminius III


The Popol Vuh (Spanish translation in 1703; the original has been dated to around 1550 AD.)


95 Theses by Martin Luther (1517)
Sermon on Threefold Righteousness by Martin Luther (1518)
A Letter to Pope Leo from Martin Luther (Part I) (1520)
Concerning Christian Liberty (Part II)
Concerning Christian Liberty (Part III)
A Treatise on Good Works by Martin Luther (1520)
A Letter to Melanchthon by Martin Luther (1521)
Dear Christians, One and All, Rejoice by Martin Luther (1523)
All Praise to Thee, Eternal God by Martin Luther (Circa 1524)
Christ Lay Dead in Death's Strong Bands by Martin Luther (Circa 1524)
Flung to the Heedless Winds by Martin Luther
From the Depths of Woe I Cry to Thee by Martin Luther
From Heaven to Earth I Come, a hymn by Martin Luther 
If God had not been on our side by Martin Luther
In Peace and Joy I now Depart by Martin Luther
Isaiah, Mighty Seer, in Days of Old by Martin Luther
Lord, keep us steadfast in Thy Word
May God Bestow on us His Grace
Oh Lord look down from Heaven, behold by Martin Luther
O Lord we praise You by Martin Luther
Our Father, Thou in Heaven Above by Martin Luther
Savior of the Nations, come by Martin Luther
Thou Who art Three in Unity by Martin Luther
We All Believe in One God by Martin Luther
We now implore God The Holy Ghost by Martin Luther
The German Mass and Order of Divine Service by Martin Luther (1526)
A Mighty Fortress is our God (1529)
A Commentary on Galatians by Martin Luther (1535)
Disputation on the Divinity and Humanity of Christ (1540)
Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx (1848)
Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler (1925)
Communion of the Saints by Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1927)
Sermon on Psalm 58 by Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1937) 


Annals of the Kingdom of Ireland (1846 [English translation of text published])
Sermons by John Abernethy (Circa 1700-1740)


Israel's Anthem (Made official in 2004)


The North Atlantic Treaty (April, 1949)


Lord, bless my enemies by Nikolai Velimirovich


Letter of Christopher Columbus (1493) 
Ascent of Mount Carmel by John of the Cross (1578)
Dark Night of the Soul by John of the Cross (1584)
Way of Perfection by Teresa of Avila (?)
Interior Castle by Teresa of Avila (?)


Decisions of the Council of Trent (1545-1563)
Catechism of the Catholic Church (1992)

United Nations / International
The Charter (1945)
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (December, 1948)
Geneva Conventions I (1949)
Geneva Conventions II (August, 1949)
Geneva Conventions III (August 1949)
Geneva Conventions IV (August, 1949)
Kyoto Protocol (December, 1997)
Arms Trade Treaty (March, 2013)

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