
This website was created with the help of Blogger in part to help you find the books, letters, inscriptions and constitutions you want to read (even if they're thousands of years old.)

How to Find a Text to Read:

1.) Know when it was written 

The index is separated into three main sections by when they were written:

Antiquity: Contains texts from before 539 BC.

Classical: Contains texts from 539 BC to 476 AD

Medieval: Contains texts from 477-1499 AD.

Modern: 1500-to the present

2.) Know where your text was written 

Was what your looking for written in Egypt, Judea or Mesopotamia?

3.) Click on your text

If your text isn't there and you've properly gone through the previous two steps then I hope it will be added soon.

Questions and Answers

Where can I access book from the Bible?

You can access many of the books that have been included in the Bible in the Ancient and Classical sections.

What books are available that had a significant impact on Western culture?

The books of the Bible are being added, along with Plato's Republic and the City of God by Augustine. The Iliad and the Odessy have already been added. For a Recommended Reading List click here.

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