Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Works Written in the First Century

The first century is one of the most studied in all of history. Keen interest has been shown about the century as those seeking to understand Jesus of Nazareth, early Christianity and the destruction of the Second Jewish Temple. This section provides many of the works that were written in the first century.

All dates are approximate.

2: Loves of Daphnis and Chloe by Longus

8:   Metamorphoses by Ovid 

17: A History of Rome by Livy

23: Geography by Strabo

39: The Civil War by Lucan

49: Paul's Letter to the Galatians
      The Letter of James
50: Periplus of the Erythraean 
51: Paul's First Letter to the Thessalonians
52: Paul's Second Letter to Thessalonian Christians

55: The Gospel According to Mark
      Paul's First Letter to the Corinthians

57: Paul's Letter to the Romans
      Paul's Second Letter to the Corinthians

60: The Gospel According to Matthew
      Paul's Letter to Ephesian Christians
      Paul's Letter to Colossian Christians
      Paul's Letter to Philemon

64: Paul's First Letter to Timothy
      Paul's Letter to Titus
      The Second Letter of Peter
65: The Gospel According to Luke
      The Letter of Jude
66: Paul's Second Letter to Timothy

70: The Book of Acts

78: War of the Jews by Flavius Josephus

Parallel Lives by Plutarch (Between 60-120 AD)
85: The First Letter of John

90: The Second Letter of John
      The Third Letter of John
      The Gospel According to John

93: The Antiquities of the Jews by Flavius Josephus

95: Revelation
96: Against Apion by Flavius Josephus

100: Autobiography of Flavius Josephus

Saturday, 5 December 2015

Dynasties of the Israelites

I.) Dynasty of Saul (Of the United Kingdom of Israel)
II.) Davidic Dynasty (Of the United Kingdom, succeeding to Judah.)
III.) Jeroboamic Dynasty (Of Israel)
IV.) Baasha Dynasty (Israel)
V.) Zimri's reign(Israel)
VI.) Omri Dynasty (Israel)
VII.) Jehu's Dynasty (Israel)
VIII.) Shallum's reign (Israel)
IX.) Menahem's Dynasty (Israel)
X.) Pekahiah's reign (Israel)
XI.) Pekah's reign (Israel)
XII.) Hoshea reign (Israel)
XIII.) Dynasties Timeline

Saul's Dynasty

The Israelite monarchy began in 1043 BC when the Prophet Samuel anointed Saul as King.
Saul died along with most of his son's during the battle of Gilboa in 1003 BC. At this point the Judahites made David their King while the northern Kingdom of Israel passed unto Ish-Boshesh (the surviving son of Saul.) After Ish-Boshesh was murdered and his assassins were put to death by David the Dynasty ended. David welcomed Saul's grandson and had him join him at the table--he had a strong friendship with Saul's son Jonathan.

David's Dynasty

David began his reign over the United Kingdom of Israel in 1003 BC, he was succeeded by his son Solomon in 963 BC and Solomon was succeed by his son Rehoboam in 931 but the Kingdom split between Judah in the South and Israel in the North. Israel was lead by Jeroboam, another son of Solomon.

Eighteen Kings followed Rehoboam (all of them were related through a direct line with David) until Jerusalem was conquered in 586 BC. Even after Jerusalem was destroyed and the Kingdom of Judah with it there was can active insistence that any King of Judea must be a descendant of King David.

Jehoboam's Dynasty

In a sense Jeroboam's Dynasty was a sub-sect of David's Dynasty. When King Jeroboam died in 909 BC his son Nadab succeeded him. The Dynasty ended in 908 when Baasha, a rebel, took over the Kingdom of Israel.

Baasha's Dynasty

Baasha reigned for twenty-four years and was succeeded by his son Elah, who lost the throne after two years to his general, a man by the name if Zimri.

Zimri's reign

Despite successfully ending the Baasha Dynasty, Zimri only reigned for seven days. Omri would take the throne and thus begin one of the best known Dynasties.

Omri's Dynasty

Although Omri began his reign in 885 BC, it is his son Ahab who is best known. Ahab reigned for twenty-two years and married Queen Jezebel, a Princess of Tyre. In 853 Ahab's son Azahiah succeeded him, Afterwards Joram yet another son of Ahab would reign for twelve years. Then a powerful rebel named Jehu arose: He killed Ahab's descendants, the worshipers of the 'god' Baal; even Jezebel was thrown out a window. Thus ended the 44 year old Dynasty.

Jehu's Dynasty 

Beginning in 841 BC Jehu reigned for twenty-eight years. He was succeeded by Jehoahaz, who was then succeeded by Jehoash. Johoash was succeeded by Jeroboam, Jeroboam was succeeded by Zachariah, After lasting for eighty-eight years this Dynasty came to an end when a man named Shallum seized the throne.

Shallum's Reign 

Shallum may have taken the throne, but he only sat on it for a month before another rebellion put Menahem in charge.

Menachem's Dynasty 

Menachem became King in 752 BC and was succeeded by his son Pekahiah; Pekahiah was overthrown by Pekah.

Pekah's reign 

Pekah reigned for about twenty years before Hoshea grabbed the throne.

Hoshea's Reign

Hoshea reigned nine years until the Assyrians put an end to the Kingdom of Israel and deported its people.


United Kingdom of Israel

Saul's Dynasty Begins: 1043

Kingdom of Judah                                         Kingdom of Israel

1003: David's Dynasty Over Judah Begins   
                                                                        908: Baasha's Dynasty begins
                                                                        885: Zimri's rebellion occurs 
                                                                        885: Omri's Dynasty begins
                                                                        841: Jehu's Dynasty begins 
                                                                        752: Shallum's rebellion occurs
                                                                        752: Menahem's Dynasty begins
                                                                        732: Hoshea's reign begins
                                                                        723: The Kingdom of Israel Falls 

586: The Kingdom of Judah Ends (It would 
         rise again in the 200's during the 
         Maccabean revolt.)

The Black Obelisk

Date created: Circa 825
Created for: King Shalmaneser III of Assyria

This monument is of special interest to those interested in the history of Israel as it shows King Jehu (the tenth King of the separated Kingdom of Israel) submitting to King Shalmaneser. King Jehu is known for slaughtering Queen Jezebel, the family of Ahab and the worshipers of Baal. Unlike the Kingdom of Judah, which had one dynasty which started with David Israel had many dynasties.
Ahab's dynasty was started by his father Omri, it lasted more than thirty years.

According to the British Museum:

The archaeologist Henry Layard discovered this black limestone obelisk in 1846 during his excavations of the site of Kalhu, the ancient Assyrian capital. It was erected as a public monument in 825 BC at a time of civil war. The relief sculptures glorify the achievements of King Shalmaneser III (reigned 858-824 BC) and his chief minister. It lists their military campaigns of thirty-one years and the tribute they exacted from their neighbours: including camels, monkeys, an elephant and a rhinoceros. Assyrian kings often collected exotic animals and plants as an expression of their power.

There are five scenes of tribute, each of which occupies four panels round the face of the obelisk and is identified by a line of cuneiform script above the panel. From top to bottom they are:

Sua of Gilzanu (in north-west Iran)
Jehu of Bit Omri (ancient northern Israel)
An unnamed ruler of Musri (probably Egypt)
Marduk-apil-usur of Suhi (middle Euphrates, Syria and Iraq)
Qalparunda of Patin (Antakya region of Turkey)

The second register from the top includes the earliest surviving picture of an Israelite: the Biblical Jehu, king of Israel, brought or sent his tribute in around 841 BC. Ahab, son of Omri, king of Israel, had lost his life in battle a few years previously, fighting against the king of Damascus at Ramoth-Gilead (I Kings xxii. 29-36). His second son (Joram) was succeeded by Jehu, a usurper, who broke the alliances with Phoenicia and Judah, and submitted to Assyria. The caption above the scene, written in Assyrian cuneiform, can be translated

The tribute of Jehu, son of Omri: I received from him silver, gold, a golden bowl, a golden vase with pointed bottom, golden tumblers, golden buckets, tin, a staff for a king [and] spears. 

Thursday, 3 December 2015

King Hezekiah's Seal

Dated: Circa 700 BC
Belonged to: King Hezekiah, a King of Judah
Size: About 1 cm

The private royal seal, or bulla, belonging to the biblical King Hezekiah (pictured) who ruled the Kingdom of Judah around 2,700 years ago, has been discovered during an excavation of an ancient rubbish dump in Jerusalem. The seal (pictured), which is thought to have been used to seal a document, bears the king's name

The text reads "'Belonging to Hezekiah [son of] Ahaz King of Judah."

The symbol on the right side is known as an ankh. The ankh is most often seen in Egyptian hieroglyphics and is considered to be the symbol used to refer to life.  

The winged Sun in the center was used as a symbol of the Kingdom of Judah from 712 to 632 BC (during the reigns of both Hezekiah and his son Manasseh.)

King Hezekiah was the 17th Israelite King. He reigned over Judah between 715 and 686 BC and is known for being a devout Jew, rebelling against King Sennacherib of Assyria and having a water tunnel created (which tourists can walk through in Jerusalem.)

Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Syria and Canada Comparison Chart

22.8 million (2013)
It has since gone down by the millions.
35 million (2013)
It has since gone up by the thousands.
185,180 sq km
 9,984,670 sq km (Syria can fit in nearly all of Canada’s provinces.)
Average January Temperature in Capital1
7oC (44.6oF)
-10.7oC (12.7oF)
Average July Temperature in Capital1
26.90C (8.4oF)
20.8oC (69.4oF)
Political System
Full democracy (citizens can vote in Municipal, Provincial and Federal elections.)
Military rank2

Poverty Rate
11.9% (2006 est.)
9.4% (2008 est.)
87% Muslim
>4% Catholic
>4% Protestant
>1% Unaffiliated
38.8% Catholic
20.3% Protestant
23.9% Unaffiliated
3.2% Muslim
Arabic (official)
English and French (both official)
Medium age
Life Expectancy
Literacy (Of those over fifteen)
Circa 99% (This is an estimate by the author.)
Youth Unemployment rate
19.2% (2010 est.)
14.3% (2012 est.)
Adult Obesity
21.6% (2014)
30.1% (2014)
Age of country
54 years
148 years
Syria has an on-going Civil war with wars against neighboring nations over the last few decades.
Canada (as a country) has never had an in-territory war but has joined war efforts in Europe. the Middle East and Western Asia.

*Unless otherwise stated the information provided comes from the CIA’s Factbook.
** If there is no year given one can assume it is from 2015.